The 5th Cloud Forum

The ULTIMATE educational and networking platform for cloud professionals! This is the must-go event of the year for those who seek solutions to the challenges and the obstacles brought on by their extensive involvement with the cloud.The Cloud Forum is the place for vision and education. Better vision leads to more innovative solutions and better education leads to more productive implementation.

KORNERSTONE Institute is organising The 5th Cloud Forum, the most exciting cloud event of the year,on 31 October 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and you are cordially invited to join 500 other delegates in the IT and business community to be inspired and be educated about the latest trends in the cloud ecosystem. 

As a supporting organisation of The 5th Cloud Forum, members of Association of Cloud and Mobile Computing Professionals are entitled to 30% discount off our standard admission price. Please apply CLOUD970 on the registration page to claim your discount. 

Date: 31 Oct 2019
Time: 9:00AM – 16:00PM
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Enquiry: + 852 2116 3328 or